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How to create a growth mindset!

Updated: Aug 24, 2021

Stemming from our own set of powerful beliefs, a growth mindset is essential to learning and can apply to all aspects of your life.

A man pointing at a model of a human brain.

A growth mindset thrives on challenges. You believe that your basic abilities can be improved through dedication and hard work. In comparison, fixed mindsets have a belief that you cannot change your talents and abilities, i.e. you either have it or you don't - you are born with it. With a fixed mindset - you don't try new things, you don't like challenges, you stick to your comfort zone, and you fear failure. When you believe that your talents and skills aren’t static and that you can adapt and grow as you do, you start to put more effort into all manners of life. Fixed mindset does not remain the same, you have the ability to rewire your mindset by -

  • acknowledging your faults and imperfections.

  • looking at challenges as opportunities.

  • seeking criticism as positive.

  • replacing the word "failing" with "learning"

Here are a few ways to develop a growth mindset -

  • Pay attention - Pay attention to your words and thoughts. Replace negative thoughts with more positive ones and replace judgment with acceptance, and hate with compassion.

A piece of paper that says new mindset leads to new results.
  • Stop seeking approval - Approval from others often prevents a growth mindset. Cultivate self-acceptance and self-approval. Learn to trust yourself as you are the only one that you need to impress.

  • Value the process - Fall in love with the process. Everyone wants the end result without going through the whole process but we fail to realize that the journey matters more than the destination.

  • Start being realistic - Learning and mastering a new skill, language, or an instrument, for example, takes a lot of time. Set realistic goals for yourself so that you don’t set yourself up for disappointment.

  • Always be persistent - The whole process of learning requires you to be persistent. You will fail over and over but you need to get back up and try again.

  • Learn from mistakes - Learn from your mistakes and avoid repeating them. Also, instead of comparing yourself to others, you can learn from their mistakes too.

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