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How to make your hobby a Side Hustle!

Updated: Aug 24, 2021

The simplest and most enjoyable way to start a side hustle is by putting your existing skills to work.

A lady pursuing her passion of photography.

Many successful entrepreneurs started by taking a hobby and turning it into a side hustle. That side hustle eventually turned into a business. Side hustles are all the rage these days as more people take up side hustles with their full-time jobs. This provides them with an additional source of income that allows them to increase their savings, manage their expenses, and even use the spare cash for investing.

If you think you cannot make money out of your hobbies, think again. You can make money out of anything provided you put in the work consistently. Treat your side hustle like a business and you will see the results. Here are some of the steps that you can follow to make your hobby a side hustle.

  • Do your research - Always research to know if a market exists where people will buy your product or service. Passion is important but you need to avoid investing time and money into a business that people aren’t interested in. This will only lead to disappointments down the road.

  • Create a plan - Closely inter-related with research, a plan is essential for your side hustle. No business can be successful without proper planning. Identify how you can monetize and all the things you would need to do when it comes to setting prices, marketing your side hustle, etc.

  • Manage your time - You cannot manage a side hustle without investing time in it. If you find yourself short on time - cut back on Netflix, use the time of your commute, or even wake up an hour earlier. Dedicating a few hours a week on your side hustle is better than not spending time on it at all.

A woman researching about her hobby online at her home.
  • Create a website - A professional website gives you an edge over your competition. It allows you to be creative and distinct in the market. It can also be a marketing tool for your business, help people find you online, and educate potential clients about your products or services.

  • Use social media - Social media is used by everyone these days. It is also an easy way for people to find your business online. Growing an online presence over social media platforms helps you in engaging with potential clients. Build an audience, focus less on selling and more on providing value to your audience.

  • Start networking - Spread the word about your side hustle among your friends and family. Reach out to your contacts and they could be your potential client or even introduce you to someone useful. Don't underestimate the power of word of mouth even in the age of the internet.

  • Get training - Running a successful side hustle also means running every aspect of the side business by yourself. You may find this time-consuming or difficult since you may not be knowledgeable in all areas of the business. Pick an online free/paid course and learn about marketing, web design, social media, etc. If you find yourself short on time, consider outsourcing some of the work.

The Ultimate Guide To Freelancing And Remote Work is a guide to help the user in being an independent and effective freelancer or remote worker. Freelance, online and remote jobs are jobs of the future.

This book will help you in -

  • Understanding the approach to being a freelancer.

  • Learning the type of freelance that works best for you.

  • Knowing how to set up your freelance business.

  • Creating contracts.

  • Setting prices and ensuring you get paid.

  • Learning the different types of clients and how to effectively deal with them.

  • Managing all your expenses and running a successful freelance business.

Get this ebook on our website shop, here.

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